HERA – Association for health education and research is an association founded in January 2000 by six volunteers – students of medicine determined to undertake certain activities regarding insufficient education on HIV and AIDS, as well as the lack of medicine and care for people living with HIV in Macedonia. A bit later, HIV becomes only one of the several aspcets of sexual and reproductive health and sexual rights whose promotion becomes the association’s aim, which is confirmed by the full membership of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) since 2009, and which is reflected by our five-year strategic framework..

As time passed by, HERA advocates for better policies because it strongly believes in the freedom of choice and differences. It provides free and confidential services for sexual and reproductive health, as well as for gender-based violence because the approach, availability and confidentiality are an inseparable part of citizens’ health. It educates on sexual rights because strong citizenship and sustainable democratic society cannot be achieved without comprehensive literacy and youth participation. It empowers marginalized groups because in order to become inclusive, the society should be based on social justice. застапува за подобри политики бидејќи верува во слободата на избор и во различностите. Обезбедува бесплатни и доверливи сервиси за сексуално и репродуктивно здравје и за родово базирано насилство затоа што пристапноста, достапноста и доверливоста се неделиви од здравјето на граѓаните. Едуцира за сексуалните права бидејќи силно граѓанство и одржливо демократско општество се недостижни без сеопфатна информираност и младинско учество. Ги омоќува маргинализираните бидејќи за да биде инклузивно, општеството мора да почива на социјалната правда.

Even nowadays gender equity is our brightest guiding star, while commitment is uncompromising because all people should enjoy their sexuality freely and in social well-being.

Contact information

HERA - Association for health education and research

51a/26 Franklin Ruzvelt street, 1000 Skopje

Phone: +389 (0)2 3290 395

Fax: +389 (0)2 2556 002


Website: www.hera.org.mk